A Concise Writing Guide

     Have you ever thought about why your writing just doesn't feel right? Have you ever felt that little hollow space that you wish you would've filled up? Well in this guide, I will tell you on how to write a good paper.

The Order 

    There are 3 main parts for a research paper. This may vary from people to people, but the main 3 is the Introduction, Body, and the conclusion. The most important part is the Body, because your explanation goes in the body. It is the longest part of the paper and is where you write  the most. After that, you could write the introduction or the conclusion. It does not matter because you already have the Body written down to get the ideas. Let's talk about each in detail. 

The 3 Main Parts

   In the body, you write your explanation and your reasons. This is your main part of your body; the place that the readers reads your thoughts and your information (with evidence of course). The If your Body is bad, the whole paper won't look good. The reasons you make will give an affect to the Introduction. The better your reasons are, the introduction will look better. You can think the body as the "essential things" for your room.

    The second main part of a research paper is the Introduction. In the Introduction, you make the reader interested in your writing. You give the brief details that you will explain in the body later. The reader needs to be focused on the writing and make them want more. One way to do this is to ask questions to the reader, and make them read your paper to know the answers.  This part is like your "entrance" of your room. 

    The final part of a research paper is the Conclusion. What the conclusion does is to summarize what the paper had said, and tell your answers for your question again. The conclusion is to mainly wrap up what you have said. Never tell any new info, no matter what. You can state information about the future, what might happen. This part is basically the reminder for what you have done. You have to try your best to make your thoughts go deeply in the readers brain. I decided to do this as the "decoration" of your house, because decorations can widely affect the person's thinking about the room, and also if it is very good, they will remember it for a long time. Try to make the Conclusion short and concise as possible. The reader is will get exhausted if you make it too long.

    In this blog, I told you the 3 Main parts of a writing and how each of them affect the whole paper. All of them are important; one affects the other. I hope you learned how to become a better writer reading this.




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